SigniFlow: a visit to the platform

SigniFlow: tutorials guide you step by step for a rapid start with the interface

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SigniFlow tutorial videos

Open a SigniFree account and sign your first document

You received an invitition to sign a SigniFlow document? This video explains how to open a free SigniFlow account (SignFree) and how to sign your first document via the platform.

Discover your SigniFlow Dashboard

Your dashboard is the first thing you will be greeted with upon logging in to your SigniFlow account. This palette of interactive buttons is basically a customised user interface, which organises and presents everything you would want to do in SigniFlow.

Signature process

Discover a full process with this video: creation of a workflow, invitation, signature and document download.

Signature process with Microsoft Office plugin

Discover a full process via the use of Microsoft Office plugin with this video: creation of a workflow, invitation, signature and document download (Word and Excel).

Connect a cryptograhic token

With SigniFlow and its CertManager you can use a certificate stored on a cryptographic token. The platform is then compatible with your eIDAS qualified / RGS** client certificates. This video explains how to connect your token to the SigniFlow platform.

Sign a document with a certificate stored on a token

With SigniFlow and its CertManager is is possible to sign a document using a certificate stored on a cryptographic token. You can then sign your calls for tenders with your eIDAS qualified / RGS** certificate for example. This video explains how to affix such a signature to your documents.

The circulating basket

The Circulating folder/basket contains all the documents you have sent out to be signed, and that have an incomplete workflow. This short video will take you through the various elements and options in this basket.

The pending basket

All documents that have been rejected by users they were sent to, will be stored in your Rejected basket. This short video will take you through the various elements and options in your Expired basket.

The cancelled basket

The Cancelled folder/basket contains all the documents that were either cancelled by their originator, or that Auto Expired because they were not actioned by the Due Date set by the originator. This short video will take you through the various elements and options in your Cancelled basket.

The expired basket

Any documents that have not been actioned by a specified due date (if one was allocated by the document originator and "Auto Expire" was set to "Yes" during workflow setup), will go into the Expired basket, and will remain there until you delete them. This short video will take you through the various elements and options in your Expired basket.

DocPrepper presentation

DocPrepper - SigniFlow's document preparation tool - allows you to indicate where each person in the workflow needs to sign/initial, as well as other advanced options such as adding form fields (mandatory & non-mandatory open text fields, checkbox field, checkbox group & dropdown field) and user info fields (name, date, email address & contact number).

This video takes you through the process of placing signature & initial fields, as well as the five form fields.

Ad Hoc Face-to-Face Signing

This video takes you through the process of ad hoc signing of a document, face-to-face, between a document owner and another party who is physically present.

Face-to-Face (F2F) Signing involves the conversion of an electronic signature (usually created with a mouse on on a touchscreen) into a cryptographic digital signature. In other words, this powerful tool takes a simple drawn electronic mark and turns it into a fully-fledged, legally certifiable digital signature with all the security and non-repudiation benefits that come with it.