Using SigniFlow for the first time?

“Receiving a SigniFlow document for the first time is super exciting!”

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SigniFlow Quick Overview

Have you received a SigniFlow email?

This means that the sender wants you to review and sign their document. Just three easy steps will get you there:

  • Click on the link in the email
  • Confirm your personal details
  • Create a password to protect your signature

You’re ready to go

Upload your document

  • Upload or simply drag and drop your PDF, Microsoft, or other documents into a new workflow.
  • Set up your workflow by adding recipients from your contacts list, or add someone new.
  • Choose the urgency & what you want them to do, i.e. sign, view or approve.

Configure the workflow

  • Whether to one or to many recipients, SigniFlow automates the distribution process with ease.
  • Choose the workflow type (Sequential, Parallel, Group or Face-to-Face) to best suit your document.
  • Build your workflow by adding recipients, either from your contacts or add new ones by simply entering their email address.
  • Choose a role for each recipient (Signer, Approver or Viewer).
  • Save as Template for future use.

Set up your document

  • Use DocPrepper™ to drag tags and signature fields onto the document, indicating to each person in the workflow what you need them to do.
  • Create fillable form-fields, drop-down menus, tick-boxes, and the many other form functions you have to choose from.
  • Save as Template for future use.
  • Release your workflow.

Email notifications

  • Each recipient in the workflow will receive an email notification, either simultaneously (parallel workflow) or one after the next (sequential workflow), depending on how you set it up.
  • The email will contain a link that takes the user to the document in SigniFlow.
  • The recipient will confirm their identity and create a password to protect their signature.

Automated workflow

  • Depending on the workflow setup, each recipient has multiple options, such as to sign, approve, reject or simply view the document.
  • Recipients that are not already SigniFlow customers are provided with a free, SignFREE digital signature.
  • After each digital signature, the document is sealed and becomes tamper-evident.

Document distribution

  • The SigniFlow workflow engine will automatically circulate the document until everyone has signed or completed the required action assigned to them.
  • If your security rules allow, once the workflow is completed, each recipient will receive an email with the signed document attached.
  • Signatures can be validated in SigniFlow or by simply opening the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader® and clicking on the signature to view the certificate.


  • Your SigniFlow workspace takes care of your documents and neatly files them in the appropriate dashboard basket.
  • All users, even SignFREE users have a Dashboard containing all the workflows they have created, or were part of.
  • Each document entry keeps a full transactional history and audit log.
  • Documents that were rejected can be fixed and the workflow re-initiated.

Document management

  • Use the SigniFlow Portfolio feature to neatly group your related documents together. You can even share a portfolio with others and let them upload more documents into it.
  • You may also choose to configure DocFlow to store your documents in a folder system.
  • If you are integrated with SharePoint or another CRM, ERP or DMS, SigniFlow will automatically write the document back into the appropriate document library of your choice.
  • Find your documents any time, from anywhere, on any device.


  • use the signature supplied by SigniFlow or select your certification authority
  • SigniFlow flexibility makes it possible to use a digital signature via HSM, cryptotoken, E-id card and other formats
  • choose a certificate compliant with your documents and processes: eIDAS qualified, eIDAS advanced, RGS, AATL recognition...

The infamously impossible task of going paperless is now possible!

Millions of users worldwide have realised the benefits of automating business processes that require documents to be signed and/or approved.

SigniFlow professional workflow allows you to prepare, send, sign and manage your documents efficiently and digitally.